SGWeatherToday provides real time Singapore weather together with PSI Advisories, Weekly Forecasts, Graphs, Rain Cloud Radar as well as much more!Our features include:- Live Weather Widgets (Weather, Feels Like, PSI, Advisories)- Live Weather Updates- Rain Cloud Weather Radar (Long press on image will download it)- Weekly Weather Forecasts- PSI Figures and Advisories- Historical Trend Graphs- Wind Speeds & Direction
------ This app is currently in BETA! Please note the following issues ------- Weather radar may flash when scrollingThis is normal - the images are being loaded and cached into your device. After first load, when scrolling through, it should be smooth.
- New weather widgets do not show data on first load (Follow Steps Below)To Add a Widget..- Drag widget to your home screen- Restart device- If data still does not load, restart again or wait 30 minutes
- Settings menu button is just a placeholder (Does Nothing)
Please report any bugs to us at
[email protected]
Our application works hand in hand with our other services
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- Full Functionality at our Website: